Monday, October 14, 2013

Cubee Craft Project


-Learn about form and construction.
-Use basic skills to create a figure
-Learn the difference between a shape and a form
-Learn how to properly use an xacto knife
-Learn how to properly care for acrylic paints and brushes

Cubee 1
1. Choose a cubee worksheet
2. cut out and put together the cubee. Be sure to fasten with glue or tape.
3. Paint with acrylic paints.
4. Cover with modge podge.

Cubee 2
1. Get a blank template.
2. Create your own cubee character. It must have arms, legs, and some type of cutout in the head. i.e. ears or a hat.
3. plan out your character on regular paper template.
4. color with color pencils and show to teacher.
5. execute your cubee on card stock and paint.
6. Modge podge and let dry.

Extra credit if you do more!

Cubee 1
Ms. Nish
Cubee 2
Ms. Nish
Neatly cut lines and well put together. 10pts

1st draft thought out and creatively done 20pts

Painted 10pts

Neatly colored and inked. No pencil lines. 15pts

Stands on it’s own 5pts

Final: Neatly cut liens and well put together 20pts

total 25pts

Painted and modge podged 15pts

Stands on its own. 5pts

total 75 pts

Grand total: 100pts

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