Sunday, October 6, 2013

#7 Monday 10/7/13

Monday 10/07/2013

- Daily Drawing
- Notes: Craftsmanship
- Work Day:
       Creative Color Wheel (CCW)
         Keep working! 
            GOAL: 12 objects inked & 6 objects painted

FRIDAY 10/11/13
~SUPPLY FEE (100PTS) if you don't turn in your supply fee I can't buy supplies and will hold supplies until you pay it. If you need help with your supply fee please talk to me or see your counselor to see if you are eligible for a scholarship.

Friday 10/18/13
~Creative Color Wheel DUE! (@ end of school day)

Monday inspiration:
OK Go, "Primary Colors"

This video is pretty bomb... haha just go with it!

If you are having trouble mixing your colors here's a helpful tutorial:

Happy Painting! :)

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