Friday, April 6, 2012

Sweat Soldering

How To Sweat Solder

Step 1: Clean the part where you will flow solder. Use steel wool. 

Step 2: To flow solder add flux to your piece. This prevents oxidization. The solder will only flow to parts of the metal that are free of oxidization.

Step 3: Cut Medium or hard solder into pieces and place on top of the flux. 
Step 4: Turn on the torch and heat from the bottom. When the flux turns clear bring the flame to the top of the metal and wait till the solder melts onto the metal. 

Step 5: Place your metal in the pickle for 5 minutes to clean of all of the oxidization (black stuff)
Step 6: Take your metal out of the pickle and clean it with sandpaper and steel wool so it's shiny again. Remember if your piece is clean it will be easier to work with. 
Step 7: Add flux to the soldered piece and then sandwich the two pieces together. Just like before start heating from the bottom and then bring the flame to the top. 
Step 8: Quench, pickle, clean, if they stick together then they are successfully soldered together!

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