Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mother's Day Broach J/M

Mother’s Day Broach
Think and draw 3 ideas for a broach... for yourself or for mother’s day.

Pick one... why?

Get signed and receive metal.

Directions for creating project:
1. Take the design you’ve chosen and draw (or paste) to your piece of metal.

2. Pierce out your design.
3. Make a pin-back
4. Cut a wire ½ inch longer than the width of your piece.
5. Bend into a U shape/ and file until the ends are flat.

6. clean your piece with steel wool and solder the u shape to the back of your piece.
7. Clean and polish.
8. Using wire cutters cut the “u” shape to about ¼ inch to one side.
9. Bend the long wire into a circle over itself.

10. Bend the short wire to catch the long wire. 11. Cut the long wire and sharpen with a file.
12. Clean and polish.

50 points

Points Breakdown
3 Sketches.............15pts
pin back................20pts

Rubrics for Mother's Day Project 100pts

Mother's Day Project

  1. Make a creative card for Mother's day... or any day for anyone!
  2. Plan your artwork in your sketchbook.
  3. Artwork uses complementary colors and identifies symmetrical or asymmetrical balance.
  4. Use stamps or oil pastels.
Card Rubric
Art Planned in Sketchbook
My sketches show thoughtful planning and that I tried different options in composing my artwork.
My sketches show thoughtful planning.
The sketch in my sketchbook is drawn with little thought and looks rushed.
The artwork on the card is composed with complementary colors and contains either symmetrical or asymmetrical balance.
My artwork has worked in complementary colors and symmetrical or asymmetrical balance and one other element of art.
My artwork has symmetrical or asymmetrical balance.
My artwork has none of the criteria.

The card is folded with care and artwork is matted to the front of the card. It shows that I take care, effort, and pride in my artwork. The artwork was
beautifully and
patiently done; as
good as hard work
could make it.
The card is folded with care. My artwork is matted to the front of the card. With a little more effort the work
could have been
outstanding but lacks
finishing touches.
I have completed the assignment with the minimum requirements. My art work is rushed and a little careless.
I made a card and it is awesome! It's neatly done and creative. Using different and creative ways to make a card.
Card was made. Simple card but well made and thought out.
I made a card.

Bracelet, pin, earrings

  1. Choose one to make: Bracelet, pin, or earrings.
  2. Using Shrinkydink paper and jewelry facets.
  3. In your jewelry combine shapes and lines to form interesting patterns.
Jewelry Rubric

Plans in sketchbook
My sketches show thoughtful planning and that I tried different options in composing my artwork.
My sketches show thoughtful planning.
The sketch in my sketchbook is drawn with little thought and looks rushed.
My jewelry piece includes careful, interesting thought and planning to include the elements of shape/ line/ one other element of art.
My jewelry piece meets the minimum criteria. Including the elements of shape and line.
My jewelry piece is made with one or none of the criteria.
My jewelry shows that I take care, effort, and pride in my artwork. It is beautifully and
patiently done; as
good as hard work
could make it.
With a little more effort the work could have been outstanding but lacks finishing touches.
The student showed average craftsmanship, adequate but not as good as it could have been. A bit careless.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Scratchboard art directions and grading

Scratchboard Project

Materials: Scratchboard, scratch tools, an image of an insect and animal. 

**print out a picture of an insect and an animal**
1. On the back of this paper draw out your animal and insect.
2. Sketch your animal/ insect so that it is placed in the center of the box. Draw your subject so you have an equal balance of positive and negative space.
3. Draw a creative border around the subject.
-make sure there is lots of detail. Include, various textures and decorative detail.
4. Sign off your sketch by the teacher and receive a scratchboard.
5. Lightly sketch onto the scratchboard.
6. Use the scratch tools to scratch out your design. *Remember to start with the lightest areas scratching out to the darkest areas.

Grading Rubric/Criteria

Signed sketch5pts
Repeating pattern and border design10pts
Carefully scratched10pts
Interesting details 10pts
Good balance of positive and negative space15pts
Name and Period # on the back5pts

Sunday, April 8, 2012

4/9 - 4/13 Jewelry Metals

Overview of the week 

Monday 4/9

Sketch time
EOA: Color
Work time: Keychain

Wednesday 4/10

Sketch time
Work time: Keychain

Friday 4/13

Sketch time
Work time: Keychain

4/9 - 4/12 Art Intro

Weekly Overview for Art Intro

Monday April 9

Sketch time: 10 minutes #21
EOA: Color
Color Wheel Painting

Tuesday April 10

Sketch time: 15 minutes #22
Demo Day
Work Time

Thursday April 12

Sketch Time: 15 minutes #23
Work day

Friday, April 6, 2012

Sweat Soldering

How To Sweat Solder

Step 1: Clean the part where you will flow solder. Use steel wool. 

Step 2: To flow solder add flux to your piece. This prevents oxidization. The solder will only flow to parts of the metal that are free of oxidization.

Step 3: Cut Medium or hard solder into pieces and place on top of the flux. 
Step 4: Turn on the torch and heat from the bottom. When the flux turns clear bring the flame to the top of the metal and wait till the solder melts onto the metal. 

Step 5: Place your metal in the pickle for 5 minutes to clean of all of the oxidization (black stuff)
Step 6: Take your metal out of the pickle and clean it with sandpaper and steel wool so it's shiny again. Remember if your piece is clean it will be easier to work with. 
Step 7: Add flux to the soldered piece and then sandwich the two pieces together. Just like before start heating from the bottom and then bring the flame to the top. 
Step 8: Quench, pickle, clean, if they stick together then they are successfully soldered together!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Art is EVERYWHERE found!

Here are some found artworks!


Art is Everywhere Project

inspired by street and sticker artists 

Objective: Surprise the people of Shorewood HS with random acts of artness. 

1. Draw 3 little figures, with different facial expressions or in different poses. (School appropriate and beautifully colored)
2. Masking tape the back and place in subtle places around school. 

Extra credit for art intro: If you find someone's art take a picture of it and send it to my email:

Monday, April 2, 2012

Texture Page Exercise

Materials: Paper, glue, tape, and various textures
Objective: To learn about textures and build a texture library for future artwork. 
1. On the back of your paper write your name and period. 
2. On the front of your paper write in bold letters "TEXTURE"
3. Collect 30 different textures:
 You may glue, draw, or tape 30 different textures onto this paper.

For example your paper will look like this:
This assignment is worth 30 points. 
1 point for each texture. 
1 extra point for any texture after 30 points.

4/2 - 4/5 Art Intro

Overview of the week

Monday April 2nd, 2012

Sketch time #18
EOA: Texture
Texture Page
New Project

Tuesday April 3rd, 2012

Sub today

Sketch time #19
Finishing Texture pages and silhouette collage

Thursday April 5th, 2012

Sketch Time #20
New Project: Scratch board insects and animals. 


4/2 - 4/6 Jewelry Metals

Weekly Overview

Monday April 2nd, 2012

Sketch time
EOA: Texture
Demo: Sweat Soldering
2D-3D / Keychain

If your coin isn't finished by now please come and talk to me. 

Wednesday April 4th, 2012 

(Sub today)

Sketch time
Work time: 2D-3D / Keychain

Friday April 6th, 2012

Sketch time
Work Day: 2D-3D / Keychain

Due: 2D-3D Project