Friday, October 4, 2013

A New Year

Welcome to a new year!!! 

I'm really excited to be working with all of you this semester! I've got tons of ideas for fun projects. This is where you can find all of your assignments and daily posts for this ART INTRO class. 

Below is a copy of the syllabus:

Art Intro 2013
Ms. Chase & Ms. Christine
-Explore art through different types of media
-Discover art concepts and terms through art critizism and production
-Learn about famous artists and art in the community
-Apply aesthetic judgement to art
-Express yourself & figure out your own unique style of art
-Get to know the Elements of art and how they affect a piece of artwork through the principles of design.
-Create some cool stuff!

Art Room Rules
-Respect yourself, your peers (that includes your teachers!), and your classroom, materials, and equipment!
-”I can’t” sets a bad tone for an art class! Don’t say it!!! Give everything I throw at you a try!
-take responsibility for your work and actions!
-If you are absent ask for missed work and notes
-If you don’t understand an assignment please ask for help!
-I don’t give homework so when you are in class you need to be working on art. If you choose not to work on your artwork you are still expected to follow the due dates.
-If you lose your work it must be re-done.
-Come to class prepared with your sketchbook and a PENCIL!
-Clean up after yourself!
-Do your own work and no one else’s! Doing someone else’s work is cheating and cheating results in an automatic 0.
-Don’t waste materials!
-Challenge yourself! Try things! Go beyond whatever you think you can do!
-Put your heart into it! Why make something that you aren’t interested in? Make something you’d want to keep around!
-You’re goal is to find your artistic self. Challenge what you already know and make yourself better!

-All assignments will be recorded and graded into sketchbook
-Daily agendas, notes, and sketches will be recorded into sketchbook, provided daily by teacher.

Turning in Projects
-When a project is completed students will grade themselves using the rubric in their sketchbook then show the teacher for evaluation.
-your sketchbook will serve as a receipt book for your grades.

Due dates
-Due by the end of school day.
-Due dates are for the benefit and sanity of the student and teacher.
- Projects are given enough time to finish in class therefore please use your class time wisely!

Students who are physically absent during class for being sick or school events may ask for an extension of the due date. A student does not qualify for an extension if he or she was physically present in class but chose to use their time for other activities. For example: Socializing, excessive use of the bathroom, or other homework. The student and teacher must talk and agree on a due date.
-There are many times during the school day students may use to catch up on missed work. Before school, after school, and during lunch.
-Projects turned in late without an extension lose a letter grade per week/day.

Late Work:
-For every class day late highest possible grade drops 1 letter.
-Approved extensions received by the agreed date are considered “on time”
Project Modifications IEP and differentiation
-An IEP will be determined individually with student.
-Advanced students will be able to talk to the teacher for challenges on the assignment.
-When changing a project always ask and talk it out with the teacher.

Art and Supply Fees
-There is a $20 supply fee for the Art intro class.
-Supply fees may be paid by guardians or by scholarship through the school
-Please see school counselor to see if student qualifies for scholarship
-If a fee is not paid teacher will hold art materials and grades until paid by parent or scholarship.

Misusing Materials:
Misusing and abusing materials is a serious offence. Students that misuse materials will take responsibility for their actions by doing one or more of the following:
-replacing item or material
-detention (cleaning the art room) before or after school, or during lunch
-If not made up then a note or email goes home to the parent/guardian and student is prohibited from using the material.
For some of you this may be the only art class you take, or you may use this class as a stepping stone to greater art endeavors. Either way you are expected to OPEN YOUR MIND, CHALLENGE YOURSELF, AND DARE TO BE ORIGINAL! I have a lot of great ideas and projects for us to work on and I look forward to working with you this semester! If you have any questions feel free to stop by my room or email me!  


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