Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Scratchboard art directions and grading

Scratchboard Project

Materials: Scratchboard, scratch tools, an image of an insect and animal. 

**print out a picture of an insect and an animal**
1. On the back of this paper draw out your animal and insect.
2. Sketch your animal/ insect so that it is placed in the center of the box. Draw your subject so you have an equal balance of positive and negative space.
3. Draw a creative border around the subject.
-make sure there is lots of detail. Include, various textures and decorative detail.
4. Sign off your sketch by the teacher and receive a scratchboard.
5. Lightly sketch onto the scratchboard.
6. Use the scratch tools to scratch out your design. *Remember to start with the lightest areas scratching out to the darkest areas.

Grading Rubric/Criteria

Signed sketch5pts
Repeating pattern and border design10pts
Carefully scratched10pts
Interesting details 10pts
Good balance of positive and negative space15pts
Name and Period # on the back5pts

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