Wednesday, November 27, 2013

#27 Wedneday 11/27/13


Wednesday! 1/2 Day!

Today's Schedule:
P1: 7:50-8:15
P2: 8:20-8:44
P3: 8:49-9:13
P4: 9:18-9:42
P5: 9:47-10:11
P6: 10:16-10:40

-Daily Drawing: "What I'm thankful for"
-Coloring pages


Monday, November 25, 2013

#26 Monday 11/25/13


-Clean up desks
-New seating
-Daily Drawing: Turkey or Tofurkey
-Work day: Oil Pastel projects

Wednesday: Y-day

Friday, November 22, 2013

#25 Friday 11/22/13




-Daily Drawing: chicken
-Georgia Okeefe Video
-Project Discussion
-Common assessment for RPM Projects
-Work Day

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

#24 Wednesday 11/20/13


Wednesday November 20


-Daily Drawing: Superhero
-Principle of Design: Unity
-New Assessment Practice
-The next project overview!
-Finish RPM Project. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

#23 Monday 11/18/13

Monday 11/18/13


-Daily Drawing: furniture
-"RPM" project:

Option 1: Emphasize an object you see in the paint splatters using rhythm and movement. 
Option 2: Using repeating lines show movement and rhythm. 


Principles of Design: Unity


This principle of design allows the viewer to see a combo of elements, principles, and media as a whole. 

Unity is created by harmony, simplicity, repetition, proximity, and continuation. 

Unity can be shown with a theme. 

Unity uses elements to connect you to a picture. 

-Unity as explained by John Lovett

Friday, November 15, 2013

Principles of Design: Movement


This principle of design deals with the illusion of action or physical change in position.

Artists often use visual movement to control the way a viewer looks at a work of art. 

#22 Friday 11/15/13


Friday 11/15/13

-Daily Drawing
-Principles of design: pattern, rhythm, emphasis, and movement. 
-"RPM" activity

Principle of Design: Rhythm


Rhythm repeats Elements to create the illusion of movement. 

Visual rhythm is perceived through the eyes and is created by repeating positive spaces separated by negative spaces, repeating colors and or shapes.

5 types of rhythm:

Principle of Design: Emphasis


Emphasis stresses one element or area to attract attention. It is about difference but difference in one area. 

Emphasis can be created by using contrast. Emphasis creates dominant and subordinate areas. 

Principle of Design: Pattern


The principle of pattern is a 2 dimensional (2D) decorative visual repetition. A pattern has no movement and may or may not have rhythm. 

A pattern is predictable like
(Wall paper, checkerboard, polka-dots)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

#21 Wednesday 11/13/13


A Day

-Warm up
-Daily Drawing
-Work Day

Finished with Cubeecrafts:
Shrinky dink for extra credit

Friday, November 8, 2013

#20 11/8/13



Cubeecrafts are due today!!!

-Daily Drawings
-Principle of Design: Contrast
-Oil Pastels & Techniques
-Work day

Principle of Design: Contrast


This principle of design shows opposing properties within various elements. 

For example: 
rough vs. smooth texture
dark vs. light value
big vs. small

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

#19 Wednesday 11/6/13


Wednesday 11/06/13

Cubeecrafts due Friday!!!

-Principle of Design: Balance
-Daily Drawing: Campfire
-Work day

Principle of Design: Balance


Balance is the Principle of design that deals with arranging the visual elements in a piece of artwork equally. 

If it is balanced the viewer feels the elements have been arranged in a satisfying way. Visual imbalance makes the viewer want to rearrange things.  

Types of Balance:

Formal= symmetrical
Informal= asymmetrical

Monday, November 4, 2013

#18 Monday 11/04/13


November 4th, 2013


     Turn in your Visual Journals today for Journal check: 50pts
     Wednesday start new unit: Oil Pastels, skulls, and O'Keeffe. 
       Cubeecrafts DUE FRIDAY 11/8/13

-Daily Drawing: camels
-Element of Art: Texture
-Work day Cubeecrafts! 

Element of Art: Texture


Texture refers to how things feel or how they look like they might feel on the surface. 

Texture is perceived by sight and touch. 

Objects can have rough or smooth textures. 

They can also have matte or glossy surfaces

 Fuzzy or soft texture

 Smooth and glossy

 Pointy or sharp texture

Draw or paste in your own example of texture.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Journal Check

Here's what I'm checking on Monday for Journal Checks:

1. Calendar Entries (17)
2. Daily Drawings (at least 10)
3. Elements of Art (6)

#17 Friday 11/01/13

#17 Friday 11/01/13

-Warm up Line
-Element of Art: Space
-Work day: Cubeecrafts (due Friday Nov 8th)

Element of Art: Space


Space refers to the emptiness or area between, around, above, below, or within objects. Shapes and forms are defined by space around and within them. 

3 ways to show space are: 

 Overlap: it gives the illusion that an object is behind another object creating depth. 

Scooby and Shaggy are overlapping the lettering so it gives the illusion that they are in front of the lettering.

Velma, Freddy, and Daphne are covered by the lettering giving the illusion that they are behind the lettering. 

There is obvious space between the characters Finn and Jake (the dog) this gives an illusion that they are standing next too each other on the same plane. 
<<< Everything in the picture appears to get smaller as your eyes go further into the picture. Objects and things get smaller into the distance and things in the foreground are larger.